How to check for Leap year in python | 5 simple projects of python |alltechinfo|

1. How to determine if a Triangle exist in python.

Code :

print("Insert lenght of proposed triangle: ")
x = float(input("x = "))
y = float(input("y = "))
z = float(input("z = "))

if x+y>z and x+z>y and y+z>x:
    print("The triangle of xyz exist")
    print("The triangle does not exist")

Output :

2. How to check for Leap year in python.

Code :

yr = int(input("Insert any year to check for leap year: "))

if yr%4 == 0:
    print("This is a leap year!")
    print("This is not a leap year!")

Output :

3. How to check if a point belongs to Circle in python.

Code :

import math

x = float(input("Insert point x: "))
y = float(input("Insert point y: "))
r = float(input("Insert the radius: "))

hypotenuse = math.sqrt(pow(x,2) + pow(y,2))

if hypotenuse <= r:
    print("The point belongs to circle.")
    print("The point does not belong to circle.")

Output :

4. How to create quadratic Equation in python.

Code :

from math import sqrt

x = float(input("Insert x = "))
y = float(input("Insert y = "))
z = float(input("Insert z = "))

a = y*y-4*x*z

if a>0:
    x1 = (-y + sqrt(a))/(2*x)
    x2 = (-y - sqrt(a))/(2*x)
    print("x1 = %.2f; x2 = %.2f" % (x1,x2))
elif a==0:
    x1 = -y/(2*x)
    print("x1 = %.2f" % x1)
    print("No roots exist")

Output :

5.How to make ques of Random number in python.

Code :

from random import randint

guess_num = randint(1,100)
user_input = 0
trial_period = 1

while guess_num != user_input:
    print("The trial no %d: " % trial_period, end='')
    user_input = int(input())
    if user_input < guess_num:
        print("The input number is less")
    elif user_input > guess_num:
        print("The input number is much")
        print("Kudos! The right guess...")
    trial_period += 1

Output :

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