Top 10+ Free Udemy Courses 2020 | 100% OFF Coupon | alltechinfo

Top 10+ Free Udemy Courses 2020 | 100% OFF Coupon | alltechinfo

1. C Programming for Beginners – Master the C Fundamentals 100% off coupon.

Course Price :

₹2,560 Discount 100% off

What you will learn :

• OVER 20 Exercises + FULL Solution Videos
• Fundamentals of Programming – Summarized & Concise Material [Saving you TONS of Time!]
• Animated Explanation & Illustrations – Explaining “Hard Topics” EASY
• C Programming Language Concepts & Usage
• C Program Structure
• Using Input & Output functions
• Usage of Variables – declaration | initialization | access
• Casting
• Control Flow – if | if-else | switch-cases
• Logical Operators
• Loops – while | do-while | for
• Functions – declaration | definition | usage
• Arrays – Why do we need them & How they can be used?
• Introducing “#define”
• POINTERS – Time to Sweat! – Why | When | How
• Strings – (not cotton strings!) – Creating, Reading, Manipulating & Printing “TEXT”

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2. NodeJs React Rest Summer Special 2020 |100% off coupon |

Course Price :

₹12,800 Discount 100% off

What you will learn :

  • NodeJs Rest Api & React

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3. HR Analytics Course with R |100% OFF UDEMY COUPON|

Course Price :

₹12,800 Discount 100% off

What you'll learn :

1. INVESTIGATE what part does the objective factors of the company play to influence in attrition of employees
2. UNDERSTAND the working environment that causes attrition
3. MASTER analytics on R.
4. COMPREHEND the steps involved in data preparation.
5. GET proficient in methods to measure Central Tendency, Variability and Shape of data.
6. GET involved in better hiring practices
7. LEARN the skill of task automation
8. ACQUIRE the skill in Process improvement
9. GET more competent in managing a productive workforce
10. LEARN different types of plots
11. GRASP to summarize the data graphically
12. GET proficient in doing improved workforce planning through informed talent development
13. BECOME proficient in graphical analysis of the data.
14. PUT IN machine learning on HR Data for futuristic insights.

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4. Learn Data Structure Using ‘C Programming Language |100% OFF UDEMY COUPON|

Course Price :

₹6,400 Discount 100% off

What you will learn :

1. Core Knowledge Of Data Structures Using ‘C Language
2. What is Stack
3. What is Queue
4. What is Linked List
5. Different Types of Searching
6. Different Types of Sorting

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5. Affiliate Marketing Domination: Become A Super Affiliate |100% OFF UDEMY COUPON |

Course Price :

₹12,800 Discount 100% off

What you will learn :

• The truth about affiliate marketing, why so many affiliates fail – and how you can bulletproof your affiliate business.
• How to find the hottest niches around, including discovering niches you never knew existed.
• All about lead magnets & how to assemble the ideal lead magnet for conversions.
• The #1 secret that separates super affiliates and regular affiliates, and how you can become a super affiliate.
• A unique trick to get vendors to send traffic to YOU.
• The seven sweet perks you can get and you’ll find out the best way to approach vendors so you’re almost guaranteed to get them.
• How to overcome poor sales pages, so that you still generate sales.
• And much, much more.

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