Take the #7DaysOfCode Challenge! Go from beginner to having confidence to build YOUR OWN web development project.

 Take the  #7DaysOfCode Challenge!

[ 9th to 15th November 2020 ]

Go from beginner to having confidence to build YOUR OWN web development project.

By the end of this 7 day challenge :

✔ You’ll understand the web development process.

✔ You’ll learn Command Line and Git, must-have skills for any developer.

✔ You’ll learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

✔ You’ll deploy your own website to GitHub.

✔ You’ll have a action plan with all the things you need to learn to build YOUR OWN project.

Here’s what you’re going to learn in these 7 days:

Day 1: Getting Started 🎉

Before diving in, take a tour of the web development world. You will learn the fundemantals of HTML and CSS, languages used to build and design the appearances of your websites.

Day 2: Local Environment Setup and Using the Inspect Tool 👀

You will learn to make a website using HTML & CSS on your own computer. You will also learn how to use the Inspect Tool (developer mode) in Google Chrome.

Day 3: Command Line 😎

A must-learn skill that allows you to perform tasks through commands to the computer. You’ll be learning the fundamentals of the UNIX command line.

Day 4: Git 😍

When developing applications, you would often collaborate with other developers. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Git, one of the most popular version control system that developers use to track and share code.

Day 5: Deploy Your Own Website to GitHub 🚀

You’ll learn how to publish a webpage to the world.

Day 6: Exploring JavaScript 💙

JavaScript is language of the web. You will learn the syntax and grammar including variables, constants, and conditionals!

Day 7: Understanding More About the Web and Web Applications ✨

You will discover new information that you should take note of as you learn how to build web apps.

Ready to dive in?

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