How to Clone a repository in git in easy step.
The git clone command is used to copy an existing Git repository from a server to the local machine.
For example, to clone a GitHub project:
cd < path where you would like the clone to create a directory>
1. git clone
Example :-
C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Learn_git>git clone
To clone a BitBucket project:
cd < path where you would like the clone to create a directory>
2. git clone
This creates a directory called projectname on the local machine, containing all the files in the remote Git repository. This includes source files for the project, as well as a .git sub-directory which contains the entire history and configuration for the project.
To specify a different name of the directory, e.g. MyFolder:
3. git clone
MyFolder Or to clone in the current directory:
4. git clone
- When cloning to a specified directory, the directory must be empty or non-existent.
- You can also use the ssh version of the command:
git clone
The https version and the ssh version are equivalent. However, some hosting services such as GitHub recommend that you use https rather than ssh.
1. How to install git in your PC. Git Installation step by step easy explation.
2. How to create your first repository, then add and commit files in git step by step.
3. How to Clone a repository in git.
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6. How to Setting up the upstream remote in git.