Guvi CSS All Soultion (1 to 51).
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Guvi CSS Webkata Solution |
1. Change font size of all the elements with class name as 'size' to 60 px using css.
2. Change the opacity of the given text "Nice to meet you." to 0.5 and set background color as blue.
opacity: 0.5;
3. Display an unordered list as inline with elements HTML,CSS,JS.
4. Add font-family 'courier' to the given paragraph text "This is a paragraph".
5. Place an dashed blue border around the given paragraph 'I have a blue border' of width 5px.
border: 5px dashed blue;
6. Place a solid border of width 10px around the given paragraph 'Pen is better than Sword'
border:10px solid;
7. Capitalize the given paragraph 'This is some text' using css
text-transform: capitalize;
8. Change the entire text of the given paragraph 'This is some text' to lowercase.
9. Separate the given words of a paragraph 'This is spacing' with a space of 20px using css.
word-spacing: 20px;
10. Add text shadow of 2px horizontal 2px vertical and 5px blur effect of color red to the given paragraph 'This is a technical issue'.
text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px red;
11. Set the width of the given button to 100% using CSS.
12. Create a padding of 130px between the given text and border using CSS.
13. Decorate the given paragraph 'Something is better than nothing' with the lines at both top and bottom of it.
text-decoration: overline underline;
14. Display all the paragraph element in green color using CSS.
15. Make the edges of the given green square rounded with a border-radius of 10px using CSS.
border: solid green;
border-radius: 10px;
16. Give a padding of 10px to the h2 heading using CSS.
h2 {
17. Give a left-padding of 10px to the h2 heading using CSS.
h2 {
18. Give a top-padding of 10px to the h2 heading using CSS.
h2 {
19. Give a bottom-padding of 10px to the h2 heading using CSS.
h2 {
20. Display "Hello from Guvian!" in blue color using h1 tag with internal CSS styling.
21. Display "Hello from Guvian" in red colour, aligned center using CSS selector in paragraph tag.
p {
text-align: center;
22. Display "Hello from Guvian" in a margin of 20px with pink background in a paragraph tag.
p {
23. Display an statement "Hello From Guvian!" in a h1 tag and underline it using CSS.
text-decoration: underline;
24. Display "Hello from guvian" using padding on all four sides, 10px, with light blue background in a paragraph tag.
25. Align the given text "Code well" to center and give a green border to it.
border-color: green;
26. Give Green color to the given button using css.
27. Color the given button only at borders with red.
border:solid red;
28. Display all the elements with class name as "changeMeToGreen" in a green colour using CSS.
29. Increase the font size of all the elements with class name as "increase" to 30px using CSS.
30. Change the colour of the contents of h3 tag to Green color using external CSS.
31. Align the contents to center with id_name as "alignToCenter" using external CSS.
32. Align the contents to center with id_name as "alignToRight" using external CSS.
33. Give a solid red border to the given square with a thickness 3px using CSS.
border:3px solid red;
34. Change the background colour of the given rectangle to blue color using CSS.
35. Give a solid red left border to the given content with a thickness 3px using CSS.
.left-border {
border-left:3px solid red;
36. Give a solid red right border to the given content with a thickness 3px using CSS.
.right-border {
border-right:3px solid red;
37. Give a solid red top border to the given content with a thickness 3px using CSS.
.top-border {
border-top:3px solid red;
38. Give a solid blue bottom border to the given content with a thickness 3px using CSS.
.bottom-border {
border-bottom:3px solid blue;
39. Change the padding of the button to 5px using CSS.
40. Display "Hello from Guvian" in a paragraph tag, where you have to increase the font size of the word 'Guvian' using class named 'note' to 20px in a span tag.
41. Display "Hello From Guvian" using paragraph tag and by using :after pseudo element add ! after the text.
p::after {
content: "!";
42. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from top to bottom inside the displayed shape using CSS.
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background: linear-gradient(red, yellow);
43. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from bottom to top inside the displayed shape using CSS(use degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background: linear-gradient(0deg, red, yellow);
44. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from left to right inside the displayed shape using CSS( use degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background: linear-gradient(0deg, red, yellow);
45. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from right to left inside the displayed shape using CSS( use degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background: linear-gradient(270deg,red,yellow);
46. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from top-left to bottom-right inside the displayed shape using CSS( use degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, red, yellow);
47. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from top-right to bottom-left inside the displayed shape using CSS( use degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background-image: linear-gradient(225deg, red, yellow);
48. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from bottom-right to top-left inside the displayed shape using CSS( use degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background-image: linear-gradient(315deg, red, yellow);
49. Give a linear gradient of red to yellow from bottom-left to top-right inside the displayed shape using CSS(using degrees for direction change).
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, red, yellow);
50. Give a circular radial gradient in which red at center and then yellow and last green inside the displayed shape using CSS.
.gradient {
width: 300px;
height: 200px;
background-image: radial-gradient(circle, red, yellow, green);
51. Display "Hello From Guvian" in a paragraph and highlight the word "Hello" in italics using internal CSS via class name italic.
font:italic small-caps bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif;